Sunday, July 24, 2011

I don't want to talk (or blog) about it...

But I guess I owe everybody an explanation for my absence, don't I?  Well, there's the short version and then there's the long version.  For the sake of time, I'll provide the reader's digest version so we can all get on with our lives.

I just couldn't get on board and stay on board with Medifast.  I missed fruit, beans, brown rice and other healthy things I like but can't have while on Medifast.  And yes, dammit, I missed alcohol.  I'm not a lush, at least that's my story and I'm sticking to it, but I like to have a cocktail once in a while.  Especially in the summer.  Summer is the season for recreational drinking.

The end result of being "off plan" for several weeks now is that I've gained 2 of the 5 pounds I lost.  I'm actually encouraged by the fact that I didn't gain all 5 back and then some because that's what usually happens when I fall off the wagon from a diet.  But, I have begun exercising regularly and I plan to do some general healthy, moderate eating, rather than following a specific plan.  That has been successful for me in the past and I'm hoping it will be this time around.

I will be back to provide an update when I have some good news to report.  Hopefully that won't be more than a week or two away.  Prayers are welcome...

And to my sister Sarah, if you're still reading this, feel free to start teasing me now or just be glad we can enjoy some good grub together when you come to visit (in moderation, of course)!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Week One - 4 Pounds Down!!

This is what four pounds looks like:

Sort of.  Each of these bottles weighs just a little over a pound.  

Every time I climb the stairs, my knees are breathing four pounds easier.  

So, before I shrink anymore, I figured I better get the "before" pictures taken and posted.  It's painful to post these, but it's all part of the accountability plan.  I have to keep going so I'll have better pictures to post.  While better health is the number one priority in this journey, I won't lie; looking better is a close second!


Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Day 7

What a crazy weekend!  So, I was doing pretty good with Medifast, not perfect, but pretty good...until last night.  We had a big BBQ potluck bash in our cul-de-sac and I caved to the temptation.  I drank AND ate food that wasn't good for me.  Just look at this...

 Who could resist?  Apparently not me.

This morning I refused to let myself be derailed by yesterday's slip-up.  I made my Medifast banana shake (good stuff) and started drinking a ton of water again.  I'm going to give an update on my weight loss total for the first week tomorrow morning.  

I've got a ton of homework to finish up this week so I need to keep my blogging short.  Here's the reader's digest version of the past few days...Medifast Beef Vegetable Stew - pretty good with lots of green tabasco sauce.  Medifast Chicken Noodle Soup - not so good but not terrible, I wouldn't order it again.  Medifast Banana Pudding - gross!  My favs by far are the shakes (vanilla & banana) & bars (lemon meringue, caramel  and peanut butter).

I'm not struggling as much with hunger, but the other day at the grocery store, I found myself feeling discouraged with the limited choices of Medifast lean & green meals.  There are lots of healthy foods I enjoy that on another plan, I could eat and lose weight.  For example, fruit, carrots, beans and brown rice.  All things I love but all things I'm not supposed to have on Medifast.  The lack of options may be my downfall from sticking with the program religiously, but it will not deter me from my path to health & a skinnier bod.  I just need to find a balance that works for me.

Meanwhile, off to the gym to work off last night's bad choices!

 But so worth it!

P.S. I'm so proud of myself.  No coffee with tons of fattening, sweet cream or Dr. Pepper this week.  A HUGE accomplishment for me.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Day 4

I haven't disappeared.  I've just been at the ballpark.  I wish I could say I had been there watching my son's team crushing the competition, but the opposite would be a more accurate description.  Bummer...But at least the tournament is over (for us) and we can move on to the fun 4th of July festivities, unfettered by the craziness of tournament scheduling.  (For those of you who aren't familiar, thank your lucky stars!!).

The first day was hard, the second day was harder and the third day was HELL!!  The fourth day really is better, surprisingly.  After how hard yesterday was, I thought I would never adapt.  BUT, I do have some thoughts about Medifast and weight loss plans in general that are partly mine and partly a friend's, a friend who has quite a bit of knowledge of all things nutritional and exercise, by the way.  This friend did a bit of an intervention with me.  She couldn't hold her tongue when she read that I was tempted to eat Cheetos off the floor....LOL!!

You'll have to wait though because I am needed at the pool.  I really want to interject with some snide comments about Shamu and the like here, but I'm not going to trash myself like that anymore.  I'm going to head to the neighborhood pool, big ol' tummy and all, to just enjoy myself and stop obsessing about this weight loss thing for the first time in days.  I might even do a cannon ball...step aside!!!

Thursday, June 30, 2011


Don't worry, this isn't my bag of Cheetos.  I haven't caved yet (well, I sort of did, but that's another story).  This is a Cheeto story.  I got this picture by googling Cheeto.  Try that.  Google "Cheeto" Images and see what you get.  Be certain there are no children in front of your monitor when you do.  The real point of this story is that I am so hungry I saw a Cheeto on the carpet at work and I came frighteningly close to picking it up and actually eating it.  Instead I'm sitting here fantasizing about Cheetos, Flamin' Hot Cheetos in particular.  Instead of Cheetos, I'll be eating Medifast Banana Pudding later and watching my 11 year old son's baseball game which is scheduled for 10pm.  And that's another story you really don't want to get me started on.

Thus far, this has been a stream of consciousness post, but I'm going to get to business now.  I slipped up a bit this afternoon.  I was so very, very hungry and there was some cream cheese with jalapeno jelly leftover from the cultural potluck.  So, I helped myself to a few crackers with some of it.  It was a really bad day for me.  The headache from yesterday never left and I'm just so hungry.  Oh yeah, did I mention that I'm hungry?  One of the problems with doing this and having kids and a husband, by the way, is exactly what you might imagine.  All their food is still living in the same house with me.  Taunting me. 

I can't even review foods right now because my brain isn't functioning properly from the headache.  And the hunger.  Maybe tomorrow.

Day 2 of Medifast - Why go public?

Wow!  I knew Medifast would work but it was pretty cool to get on the scale this morning and see results so quickly.  I am down 2.7 pounds!!

So, last night I cheated a little bit.  I'm used to having ice cream, Oreos (or both)...before bedtime.  I should have planned for it, but I didn't so I ate an extra Medifast meal.  I figured that at least if I was going to cheat, this was the least harmful option.

Medifast Peanut Butter Soft Serve - This was pretty good but I think it could have been better with a different blender.  I'm just using my standard household blender and quickly realizing I'll probably need to upgrade in order to maximize the texture and flavor of the shakes, soft serve and possibly other Medifast foods I haven't tried yet.  I'm giving it an 8, but it's possible it could be a 9 with a better blender. 

You might wonder why I would want to be so public about my journey to weight loss and better health.  I've tried and failed so many times that in addition to trying a different program, Medifast in conjunction with a Take Shape for Life coach, this blog is a means of keeping me accountable.  If I know people are "watching", I'll be less inclined to cheat or quit.  So far the strategy is working because yesterday I had a period of feeling pretty low, hungry and tempted to eat something bad but then I reminded myself that I now have an audience.  I provided this link to family & friends I think will be supportive, but it's not about getting "Attaboys" or pats on the back; it really is about accountability.  Others may wander in for food reviews, etc.  I welcome any and all tips or suggestions.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Day 1 of Medifast, continued

It's now 5:30 pm and I will be at work until 8pm.  I should have eaten my lean & green meal before work but the day was hectic (I mean, come on, I slept until 10am!) so that didn't happen, which is one of the reasons I chose Medifast.  It's convenient.  I grabbed some Medifast Cinnamon Pretzels and a Caramel Crunch bar on my way out the door to hold me over until I can get home for some protein and veggies.
Now I am sitting here fantasizing about the chicken breast and spinach I can eat in 3 hours.  Which is pretty funny considering the bad foods I would normally be fantasizing about.  See, I'm already making progress!

Meanwhile, I'm going to review a few more Medifast foods.  When I was trying to figure out what to order, reading other people's reviews was very helpful so I'm trying to give back with my own reviews in case other people considering the program or on the program end up reading any of my posts.

As you read these reviews, bear in mind that my 1-10 scale for Medifast foods is understandably different than say, my 1-10 scale for Texas Roadhouse (oh man, just typing those words made my tummy rumble).  These are diet foods, and although some of them are actually pretty tasty, they don't compare to let's say, a double cheeseburger & fries from Wendy's so don't expect them to.  If you begin this plan with realistic expectations, which I can fairly say I did, then you won't be disappointed.  And remember, as I keep telling myself, and as my Take Shape For Life coach, Elizabeth, keeps reminding me, this isn't forever and I'm going to feel SO GOOD, physically and about myself when I experience success on this program.

Medifast Parmesan Cheese Puffs - I took the kids bowling today.  Normally, this would involve the three of us sharing a basket of fries and a pitcher of soda.  Not today.  I fed the boys beforehand and took a bag of these puffs with me to snack on while we bowled.  I'm going to have to go with a 5.5 on these.  I don't think I'd order them again, but I didn't hate them and I'll definitely finish the box I ordered.  Cheetos they are not.  They are crunchy and not unpleasant tasting, but a little bland for me.

Vanilla Plus for Appetite Suppression Shake - OK, so this was actually pretty good!  I made it in the blender with ice cubes and it was tasty, I must say.  I'd give it a 9.  I've read a lot of great tips about adding sugar-free caramel syrup, coconut or orange extract, etc. that I plan to try in the future to change things up a bit but I can already tell these shakes will become a staple of my Medifast diet.  This was an extra meal for the day.  The quick start guide suggested that if you are struggling in the first few days, to go ahead and have an extra shake.  Well, I'm struggling so this is my extra shake.

Medifast Cinnamon Pretzel Sticks - The picture on the package is so enticing and actually, these did taste pretty good, but I had to laugh when I opened the bag because pretzel pieces would have been a more accurate description.  I'd give these a 7.5.  I'll probably order them again, but I don't think they'll end up on my top five list, when I've finished trying all the foods I ordered.

Medifast Caramel Crunch Bar - Also pretty good...another 9!!  Crunchy, sweet and satisfying is how I would describe these tasty bars.

The headache rages on despite the fact that I've sucked down more ounces of water today than I thought humanly possible.  I'm hoping that's better tomorrow even though I know I'll still be battling hunger.

I didn't get the "Before" pictures done today, so I'll work on those for tomorrow.  Still debating whether I want to list my starting weight on this blog.  Although I'm "putting myself out here," I'm hesitant about how "out here" I want to be.

Day 1 of of Medifast - Withdrawal

I understand the first 72 hours are the most difficult, with headaches and hunger being pretty much par for the course.  I figure if I get up late, take a midday 3 hour nap, and then head back to bed at 8pm, my hours of pain and suffering will be minimal.

OK, so that's not a realistic plan.  But I did sleep in until 10.  The last week has been long and difficult with school and homework so I treated myself.  When I finally rolled out of bed, I headed downstairs to start my morning with a cup of Medifast Essential 1 CalorieBurn Cappuccino, mixed with black coffee.  On a scale of 1-10, I'd give this first Medifast meal about a 2.5.  It was pretty bad and not a very encouraging start.  And yes, Medifast has the nerve to call a cup of cappuccino a "meal". I made myself gag it down by thinking of starving children in poverty stricken countries.

Luckily, my next "meal", a Medifast Lemon Meringue Crunch Bar, was much better.  I'd rate it about an 8.  It was pretty tasty, but hunger pains are starting to gnaw at my tummy just a little bit and I definitely have a headache.

Time for a long nap?

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

The Day Before Medifast

Do not be deceived by my desperate attempt to hide love handles with the shirt over the shirt maneuver. Clever, but not very effective It's really just a psychological ploy to convince myself the fat is hidden when in reality, the love handles are clearly there, along with an ample supply of "hanging over the bra" back fat and a pregnancy tummy to rival the one I had when I really was pregnant. Tomorrow I'll post the official "Before" pictures. And if that isn't motivation enough to stick with this, I don't know what is.

So, this is it. No more procrastinating my journey from plump and pudgy to lean and lithe.

The box of food has arrived. If you can call it that. This stuff doesn't look like food by my definition. Maybe if I were an astronaut... Instead of combination burritos from Taco Bueno, I've got freeze-dried chili and instead of a chocolate dipped almond ice cream bar from Costco, I've got freeze-dried peanut butter soft serve. OMG - what have I gotten myself into?!!

Enough whining already. I'm committed to this. Right? Yeah, yeah, I am. Whatever. It wasn't cheap and as my 11 year old son likes to point out, I've already dropped out of Weight Watchers 3 times (well, really it's been several more times than that, but I'm certainly not going to arm him with THAT information). I love that kid. When I don't feel like strangling him. 

I could have started the program today, but instead, I decided to treat myself to one last binge-filled day so could partake of a cultural potluck lunch with my graduate social work class. Oh baklava, how I love you! "Eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow I begin Medifast!".

I'm excited.  Can't you tell?