Saturday, July 2, 2011

Day 4

I haven't disappeared.  I've just been at the ballpark.  I wish I could say I had been there watching my son's team crushing the competition, but the opposite would be a more accurate description.  Bummer...But at least the tournament is over (for us) and we can move on to the fun 4th of July festivities, unfettered by the craziness of tournament scheduling.  (For those of you who aren't familiar, thank your lucky stars!!).

The first day was hard, the second day was harder and the third day was HELL!!  The fourth day really is better, surprisingly.  After how hard yesterday was, I thought I would never adapt.  BUT, I do have some thoughts about Medifast and weight loss plans in general that are partly mine and partly a friend's, a friend who has quite a bit of knowledge of all things nutritional and exercise, by the way.  This friend did a bit of an intervention with me.  She couldn't hold her tongue when she read that I was tempted to eat Cheetos off the floor....LOL!!

You'll have to wait though because I am needed at the pool.  I really want to interject with some snide comments about Shamu and the like here, but I'm not going to trash myself like that anymore.  I'm going to head to the neighborhood pool, big ol' tummy and all, to just enjoy myself and stop obsessing about this weight loss thing for the first time in days.  I might even do a cannon ball...step aside!!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad your friend hosted a Cheeto intervention so I didn't have to. I, literally, just sat on my hands after reading your last post so I couldn't post something out of line and unwanted. So I'll just say... anonymous friend of Aimee's: You rock! And so does the Almost-Floor-Cheeto-Eater. Just sayin.
