Sunday, July 24, 2011

I don't want to talk (or blog) about it...

But I guess I owe everybody an explanation for my absence, don't I?  Well, there's the short version and then there's the long version.  For the sake of time, I'll provide the reader's digest version so we can all get on with our lives.

I just couldn't get on board and stay on board with Medifast.  I missed fruit, beans, brown rice and other healthy things I like but can't have while on Medifast.  And yes, dammit, I missed alcohol.  I'm not a lush, at least that's my story and I'm sticking to it, but I like to have a cocktail once in a while.  Especially in the summer.  Summer is the season for recreational drinking.

The end result of being "off plan" for several weeks now is that I've gained 2 of the 5 pounds I lost.  I'm actually encouraged by the fact that I didn't gain all 5 back and then some because that's what usually happens when I fall off the wagon from a diet.  But, I have begun exercising regularly and I plan to do some general healthy, moderate eating, rather than following a specific plan.  That has been successful for me in the past and I'm hoping it will be this time around.

I will be back to provide an update when I have some good news to report.  Hopefully that won't be more than a week or two away.  Prayers are welcome...

And to my sister Sarah, if you're still reading this, feel free to start teasing me now or just be glad we can enjoy some good grub together when you come to visit (in moderation, of course)!

1 comment:

  1. LOL Aim! I love you! I would never make fun of you! :) I am however glad that we will be enjoying some yummy food! All joking aside, I feel like a lifestyle change is all about moderation. Just make some healthier choices. Start out slow - make 2 healthier choices every day (things that you wouldn't normally do) and then increase it as you go. You'll get there. Diet with me when I want to lose all of this baby weight! :)
