Thursday, June 30, 2011


Don't worry, this isn't my bag of Cheetos.  I haven't caved yet (well, I sort of did, but that's another story).  This is a Cheeto story.  I got this picture by googling Cheeto.  Try that.  Google "Cheeto" Images and see what you get.  Be certain there are no children in front of your monitor when you do.  The real point of this story is that I am so hungry I saw a Cheeto on the carpet at work and I came frighteningly close to picking it up and actually eating it.  Instead I'm sitting here fantasizing about Cheetos, Flamin' Hot Cheetos in particular.  Instead of Cheetos, I'll be eating Medifast Banana Pudding later and watching my 11 year old son's baseball game which is scheduled for 10pm.  And that's another story you really don't want to get me started on.

Thus far, this has been a stream of consciousness post, but I'm going to get to business now.  I slipped up a bit this afternoon.  I was so very, very hungry and there was some cream cheese with jalapeno jelly leftover from the cultural potluck.  So, I helped myself to a few crackers with some of it.  It was a really bad day for me.  The headache from yesterday never left and I'm just so hungry.  Oh yeah, did I mention that I'm hungry?  One of the problems with doing this and having kids and a husband, by the way, is exactly what you might imagine.  All their food is still living in the same house with me.  Taunting me. 

I can't even review foods right now because my brain isn't functioning properly from the headache.  And the hunger.  Maybe tomorrow.

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